
这本书是The School of Life系列中的一册,也是我读的该系列第一册,以后预计也会读一些其他作品。本系列也有对应的油管演讲视频。


浪漫主义 vs 古典主义


浪漫主义 古典主义
依靠直觉 依靠分析
自发行动,心电感应,心领神会 天下没有完全契合的一对
最重要的品质是诚实真挚,纯爱无瑕 最重要的品质是礼貌体面,有模糊的空间
理想主义,万里挑一的真爱 现实主义,关注日常生活,接受瑕疵
真爱永存 亲密短暂


To love someone is, quite simply, according to Romantic philosophy, to love them as they are – without any wish to alter them.


For the Greeks, given that we are all very imperfect, part of what it means to deepen love is to want to teach – and to be taught.

We should stop feeling guilty for simply wanting to change our partners, and we should never resent our partners for simply wanting to change us.

as we shall see, accepting a role for learning and teaching in love belongs to one of the fundamental principles of mature relationships.


when it comes to relationships, expectations are the enemies of love.
And, by extension, we’d be assuming from the start that no partner is going to have a complete, reliable or terribly accurate understanding of us.

The error we’re always tempted to make is to see defects as special to our own partner.
We blame everything but our hopes.


one both desperately wants to be understood and yet is utterly committed to not explaining oneself plainly.

We should not feel that we are failures, dull-witted, unimaginative or unsophisticated if we recognise a need to learn how to talk to our partners with premeditation and conscious purpose.


all of us are both deeply mysterious (to ourselves and to others)


Keeping secrets can seem like a betrayal of the relationship. At the same time, the complete truth eventually appears to place the union in mortal danger.



The theory insists that we don’t fall in love first and foremost with those who care for us in ideal ways, we fall in love with those who care for us in familiar ways. We may believe we are seeking happiness in love, but what we are really after is familiarity.



There is, in a sense, only one answer of sorts, and it can be called the Melancholy Position, because it confronts the sad truth that in certain key areas of human existence, there simply are no good solutions.


a relationship takes an immense step forward when the parties can move from viewing their lovers as irritating idiots to considering them as loveable fools.


We should create room for regular moments, perhaps as often as every few hours, when we can feel unembarrassed and legitimate about asking for confirmation. ‘I really need you; do you still want me?’


  • 完满的爱情是人生的终极目标

Romanticism made the idea of being close to one special other person in a long-term sexual union the very summit of life’s meaning, and subtly discredited alternatives, like devotion to scholarship

  • 真爱永久

We invariably and naturally equate genuine relationships with lifelong relationships.

  • 人的美好品质都通过亲密关系表现出来


  • (自由主义观点)性与爱是分离的

To the Libertine, on the other hand, sex and love are radically distinct entities with an almost accidental, and partial, connection

  • 爱是宽恕

But in the Classical story, that wiser, less immediately seductive genre, the real problem isn’t finding a partner, it is tolerating them, and being tolerated, over time.

  • 人是看不透的

The Classical story accepts that no one ever fully understands anyone else. Love starts with the experience of being understood in a deeply supportive and uncommon way. They understand the lonely parts of you; they grasp who you truly are. This will not continue. There will always be large tracts of one’s psyche that remain incomprehensible to anyone else.