Adrian Bejan作品


杜克大学机械系的Adrian Bejan是热力学大牛,知道他是因为他和George Tsatsaronis合作的文章,他为热力学作出了重大贡献的同时,也尝试拓宽热力学的疆域,总结出“构形理论 (Constructal Theory) ”,不仅促进了工程设计的发展,还运用在社会学甚至人文的领域里。值得一提是,这位大牛自幼展现绘画天赋,甚至还是罗马尼亚篮球国家队队员,可谓是六边形战士了。

Time And Beauty - Why Time Flies And Beauty Never Dies (2022)


Time is not to be confused with beauty. To paint time is as absurd as to clock beauty. Different does not mean unrelated.




The first is our perception of time and why we feel that time flies faster as we get older.

Humans perceive change in the observed surroundings, not ‘clock time’.

The reason is that the time measured by a clock is not the same as the time perceived by the human mind.


Second, beauty attracts because beautifully shaped images are scanned faster by the two eyes.

They look beautiful for two reasons: the observer has two eyes aligned horizontally, and the eyes scan the observed image in short, sudden motions (saccades 扫视).

为什么长大了觉得时间过得更快?这个发现被Paul Janet称作“比率定律(Proportion Theory)”。作者认为,我们在孩童时期受到很多新鲜的刺激,而到了长大的时候固化,尤其在疫情期间百无聊赖,所以视觉刺激的减少让我们觉得时间变慢。



Beauty is attractive because it is useful, physically. The features and habits reviewed here happened naturally in the long run of human evolution because they made our ancestors better, more efficient, safer, longer-lasting movers on earth. The individual wants to be left alone in peace.


In human perception, contrast is the same as the change in time

In this case, nature shows us “boundaries” without the presence of thin lines between adjacent areas that are only slightly different.

Difference is interesting, uniformity is not. This is particularly true in scientific work.

In the science of thermodynamics, we see the shortcomings of drawing a line (called boundary, incorrectly) to separate the spot of interest (called system) from the rest (called environment).

在热力学里,边界条件非常重要,毕竟大多数物质都遵循相同或者相似的定律,而不同的边界条件定义了不同的情形。为什么会有边界条件的存在,边界条件意味着什么?而在热力学里,边界是差异,边界是划分,在实际的自然世界里,边界并不是这样的,这是模型和公式里人为塑造的。我们总是要先确立controlled system/controlled volume才能开始解题,而我们从一开始就“错”了,本没有这条线的,这个世界本是一体的。卡森从古典学的方式给了我们厄洛斯的欲望边界的解答,和这里有异曲同工之妙。


Today, some authors ask whether entropy and the second law are associated with “the arrow of time.” The answer is no



If good, the idea keeps flowing on a growing territory from those who got it to those who would benefit from getting it.

The growth is a one-way flow, just like the impression left in the eyes of the first viewer.


first, spreading occurs along long and fast channels that cross the territory, and second, spreading is transversal to the channels, short and slow, from individual to individual.
the first mechanism is channel flow, or “invasion,” and the second is transversal diffusion, or “consolidation.”

Good images travel, and if we question the features of the image, we discover the source.

而这种流动,居然和化工必学的Porous Diffusion Model - Darcy Flow有所关联

The tendency to have e lutionary designs unites plants with cars, rivers, and animals. All these designs have been evolving freely toward configurations that provide greater access and, in our era, have become “mature” because they are not changing much after their long evolution.

不过这里有点科学的历史终结论?All words have been said Better than Beatles


Time is change. Lifetime is a short movie of changes.


我们视觉能够直接察觉的是二维世界,通过透视察觉第三维,感受时间的第四维。透视的单词perspective结合了拉丁语的per (穿过)和specere (看)。而关于透视法的窍门,可以总结成“平行线交汇于一点”。通过透视法的处理,我们看到只用二维视觉推测物体真实的大小。


Perspective is liberating. Perspective is good for the mind because it gives the impression of “space” that in reality cannot be accessed.

Art and Science


All scientific research is autobiographical. It is about the mind, upbringing, languages, life, and times of the creative observer. The “autobiography” reaches a lot deeper than the opinion (choice, judgement) expressed by a scientist. One can change his opinion but not his flow of life.

  1. No theory is perfect and forever, not even boundary layer theory.
  2. It is legal and, indeed, desirable to question any accepted theory.
  3. Any theory is better than no theory at all.
  4. It is legal to propose a new theory or a new idea in place of any accepted theory.
  5. Lack of immediate acceptance of a new theory does not mean that the new theory is not better.
  6. It is crucial to persevere to prove the worth of a new theory.


When you work on an idea for too long, stop. Start working on a new idea. Return to the first idea later. Kick more than one ball. This is a good way to slow down the mind time, as we will see in the next chapter.

Slowing Time


Slow time becomes fast time during every activity that repeats itself the same way many times.

Change is key. Change makes an impression. Change revs up the creative mind.

Change is how to slow down your mind time.

New experiences are the prescription for slowing the time and doing more with the time that you have.

Change is the source of the feeling that you live longer.

…but why care living longer


Do not stick to the same routine, morning, noon, and night.

Do not fall victim to your own opinion, which is the predict- able, the routine, and the meat grinder of fast time.

But routine makes me feel safe and secure….


Metaphors, like humor and analogies, empower the mind to connect the new impression with previous impressions that are correct and tested through experience. When we speak of “inspiration,” we mean the intangible act of acquiring an idea from somebody else.

You don’t have to be rich to treat yourself to something new. You must work at it.

Look in your immediate region, drive one or two hours, and treat yourself to more “slow time.”

Immortality does not come from having a single success. The immortal is the opposite of the “one-hit wonder.”

The monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.



To have resilience is to constantly make the effort to not fall out of shape, so that you have nothing to regain.


Remember, each of you is one point in space. You are one point of view, your point. One point may not seem like much; yet, you are the only one who resides in it, and no one is qualified to displace you.

Constructal Theory of Social Dynamics (2007)


Jean-Christophe Denaes撰写的Life and Cognition这一章


For a finite size flow system to persist in time (to survive) its configuration must evolve in such a way that it provides easier and easier access to the currents that flow through it.



One cannot count on having the freedom to morph in peace (undisturbed).








Life and Cognition by Jean-Christophe Denaës

本文首先从心灵(psyche)和亚里士多德的形式质料理论(Hylemorphism)开始,然后到自然认知的解读,前者在更高的层次,对应形而上学的生机论(vitalism),且是唯物生机论(materialist vitalism)。与构形理论相对应,这里的流动系统则是生机。一个例子是古埃及的Ka,让全部生物焕发生机的流体。如何理解灵魂的认知?作者的解释是:

the inclination to perceive reality in a discrete way, therefore to conceive it in the same way, and the feeling of continuity, of duration.

形式质料论理强调了任何事物都是物质组成的。可以参考Gilbert Simondon对此的讨论:事物的的诞生需要个性化(individuation)以区别于他物。

Forms are not inside substance. They are not given but generated (produced) by preindividual matter. Even a construction, made by man or animal, is constrained by the nature of the material.

Bergson把形式质料称为“自然智慧(natural intelligence)”。自然智慧的生成需要两个步骤:数据测量和逻辑认知。这两者的结合也是Castoriadis称为 ensidic (the ensemblistic-identitary perception of the intentional being)的东西。ensidic和形式质料的关系是:

These two intertwined capacities, the hylerealism and the ensidic, are goal oriented toward the action. A better action, for intentional beings, is homolog to a better flowing for non-intentional beings.


too much discipline is poison to the individual’s innate creativity,” but use trickery with it. In a way, one must overflow it, putting it in a metastable state where the intuition’s becoming can take place, allowing the possible production of an act of serendipity.


It reminds us that if one needs an infinite number of atoms to describe Reality, one also needs an infinite number of gaps that is an abyss. In the end, because Reality cannot be explained by an abyssal gap, one has to agree that this is a virtual hylereality. We intentional beings journey across the native land of our psyche, and its name is Hylereal.


..because hyle is primal matter, one can say that chaos is in fact the deterministic, continuous, and formless primal matter


The Physics of Life: The Evolution of Everything (2016)




what is life, as physics? Why do life, death and evolution happen?


进化的终点是什么?作者的观点是达到动态平衡,但是Equilibrium is death? 如果放在语言学里,死隐喻是一种嵌入,而不是一种平衡。这种表达需要格外小心。

thermodynamic definition of the dead state is well-established. It is the condition—the being—of a system (an amount of material, or a region in space) that is in complete equilibrium with its environment.

The live-state system is not in equilibrium with its environment



Diversity and hierarchy are necessary features of this natural flow organization
Any flow system is destined to remain imperfect, and yet it constantly morphs to flow better and more easily as a whole.
Life is movement. Everything needs to be kept alive by flowing, from rivers to walking and running, and to physical dexterity and reflex.

the distribution of economic activity is hierarchical and in agreement with the hierarchy of the actual flow of people and goods and the flow of knowledge (the flow of communications) on the globe.
Hierarchy is good for the evolution and persistence of life.
Businesses and the rule of law in general are no different than the channels built for human life


Two indisputable facts stand out. The first is that fuel is being burned nonuniformly, and consequently the generated power is dissipated (consumed) nonuniformly in order to sustain our movement. The second fact is that the technology of power generation continues to evolve toward greater efficiencies

Jevons paradox which was the observation that the more efficient use of coal in the industrialized world in the 1800s actually increased the consumption of coal and other resources, instead of “saving” them.
A country is wealthy (developed, advanced) because it moves more material and people than do underdeveloped countries


Movement means penetration.


It has become fashionable to assign names that sound scientific to phenomena that the speakers cannot understand and, even less, predict, such as complexity, turbulence, networks, chaos, allometry, etc.
Complexity is one of the ways in which we perceive and describe the observed object, and, as such, complexity is rooted in certainty, not uncertainty. Furthermore, the very fact that we observe and speak of the complexity of an object (and compare it with the complexity of another object) is an indication that the observed complexity is modest and manageable, not infinite and alarming.




the organ is alive with currents that flow one-way by overcoming resistances, obstacles and all kinds of “friction.”

The discovery is that the future organ must not only be better in an evolutionary manner, but also smaller. This discovery is about the future, and the name for this future is miniaturization. This evolution is toward greater density of volumetric flow, or functionality. It is toward doing more with a smaller device, resulting in more flow per unit volume in that device.

No design, no movement is “for free.” This may come as a surprise to those who speak of free fall and free convection. Although invisible, the driver of free (natural) convection is present, and like all devices that drive fans, pumps and vehicles, it is a work-producing engine

(for airplane) the fuselage and the wing must have slender profiles that are geometrically similar: D⁄L ~ t⁄Lw ~ 1⁄10.



The evolutionary direction is one-way because distinct groups of individuals (athletes) pursue the same goal: winning.



A politician’s popularity grows by spreading over the landscape of voters, but the growth continues only as long as the package of ideas (the politician) is perceived as new


it is crazy or, at best, far-fetched for a physicist to theorize about politics, what good policy is, and how it spreads. Well, think again, because what I sketched here in figure 8.1 is what happens every day with every idea that every scientist publishes. Immortality galore. The fame and longevity of the generator of ideas has the same origin (it is of the same nature) as the continued success and legacy of the good politician.


Data are not knowledge. Data must not be confused with intelligence either


The better the player, the more frequently he gets fouled. The fallacy of the politics of envy,

The natural origin of hierarchy means two things that must not be overlooked. First, the large and the small are not adversaries. Second, the urge to organize is selfish. Everything coalesces—from raindrops to people—because all the moving entities move easier when they move together.


The time arrow of the phenomenon of irreversibility (the one-way direction of flow) is well known.


Knowledge is what you do with what you learn from the book. “Knowledge and action always require each other” (Zhu Xi).

Knowledge (news, science) flows from high to low. It flows from those who have it to those who wish to acquire it. When one end has nothing to offer as teachings to the other end, the flow stops. Old news does not travel.


What is death? Why should life end? When should it end?

modeling is empiricism, the opposite of theory. Models are not theory.

Life span is not about sitting around. It is about movement

On the way to predicting the life span of the animal we have to predict the length of the path they scribble on the world map and the air currents during their entire lives.
All the flows in nature fall in between: every flow is both jet and plume, more jet than plume, or more plume than jet.

The predicted t ~ M^1⁄4 proportionality for life span completes the theoretical basis for approximate 1⁄4-power scaling observed in animal design
To be able to choose, one must have the freedom to change the existing configuration and then choose from the alternate configurations that emerge after the change.

“The true and only goal of science is to reveal unity rather than mechanism.”
Henri Poincaré”

最后,能量可以流动, 经济可以流动,人文呢?记忆呢?这些处于人文的问题不能只用科学的眼光看,物理学需要收起狂妄的长臂,给人文的世界留下一点空间。

Freedom and Evolution 这本也是把前面的东西翻来覆去的讲。

话说这几本里面我最喜欢的是The Physics of Life的封面

Review: Evolution in thermodynamics (2017)


Review: Purpose in Thermodynamics (2021)

这篇比较新,和前面提到的文章相比,多了Environmental Impact的部分,列举了environomics、thermoecology、exergoenvironmental的内容。