每一个“非自然变量”(除 V, T, N等等可以被自然获得和感知),都是我们对每一件事背后真相的探索的里程碑。
Basics Concepts
Steady state = No accumulation
Equilibrium = No change with time
State Function = Path Independent
Intensive/Extensive Properties = Whether properties change with mass/amount
Simple System assumption is necessary for almost all conclusion we make.
State postulate,Intensive state
Ideal Gas Law
For the famous formula $PV=RT$ , $V$ is molar volume whose unit is $L/mol$.
Though mathematically it is extra step (since the exercises always give $\underline{V}$ and $N$ instead of $V$ directly. But the physical meaning is that in collaborate two Extensive Properties into a single Intensive property. For condition of well-mixed open system, we don’t have to consider the mole change if we use $V$.
First Law
Remember that U is state function and W,Q are process variable
Reversibility, Dissipation, Quasi-static are better to be discussed in Second Law.
For MATHEMITICAL CONVENIENCE,we then introduce $C_V$, $C_P$
Calculation of internal energy
$U=U(T,V)$,($T$ is the macroscopic value measuring average molecular kinetic energy,$V$ is the macroscopic value measuring average molecular kinetic energy)
Here we still don’t know the expression for internal energy, but we can use the approach of 【Derivative and Integration】, if we are not able to measure the whole value directly, then somehow we measure the changes.
$dU=(\frac{\partial U}{\partial T})_V+(\frac{\partial U}{\partial V})_T$ . Then for 【Ideal Gas】$U=U(T)$,$(\frac{\partial U}{\partial V})_T=0$
Therefore $(\frac{\partial U}{\partial T})_V \equiv C_V$
Though it is called constant-volume heat capacity,$dU=C_V dT$ not only applicable to isochoric condition. It is a UNIVERSAL expression. It is called CONSTANT-VOLUME only because when we calculate partial derivative, we need to set other variable to be constant.
To understand its physical meaning, in real life (and in most exercise) processes are irreversible. For two state of ideal gas $U_1, U_2$,the core of state function is PATH INDEPENDENT. Therefore we can imagine an isobaric reversible process and calculate the change of internal energy. It is same as the irreversible process, since they have same initial and final state.
Calculation of Work
Remember that W is path independent. So $𝛿𝑊 = −𝑃𝑑\underline{V}$ only applicable for Quasi-static。If it is sudden expansion, $P$ is environment pressure.
Calculation of Heat
The trick of First Law lies in that you cannot calculate heat directly but only through First Law.
高中化学选修四对于所有的反应热都用的是$\Delta H$,但是我记得的是一定有恒压这个条件,反应焓变才等于反应热。上了大学之后才开始真正思考焓变到底是什么。
刚好在open system的first law也可以写成H的形式,形式简单,而且可以用$C_P$计算,何乐而不为。
For transient system, remember we can convert $d\underline{U}$ to $dU$ and $dN$ and then integrate.
Second Law
Second Law mainly discussed about the direction of process, and how we define, describe and measure the process.
Heat engine and Carnot
Heat engine = convert HEAT to WORK
Carnot engine set up the maximum of efficiency for heat engine.
卡诺热机的公式以及重要的$ \frac{|Q_H|}{|Q_C|} = \frac{T_H}{T_C} $。其实仔细想想这个公式还挺神奇的,Q是过程量,T是状态量,却能够在数量关系划等号。中间有一个重要的【数学】步骤就是四个状态的体积的比例关系。
微观的熵的表达式,$\underline{S}=k_B ln \Omega$ 其中$\Omega$ 是微观状态的数目。对这个公式定性分析的话很好理解,可能情况越多那就意味着越混乱,关于怎么和宏观联系起来我还在思考。
那这样一个起点是自己、终点也是自己的过程,我们叫做一个cyclic process。于是,我们要找一个cyclic process中一个不变的状态量。
很巧的是,卡诺循环是个cyclic process,卡诺定理我们发现 $\delta Q/T$ 是不变的,所以我们定义为熵。
Calculation of Second law
前人总结出了second law的文字表述,再把这个意思变成公式,一句话概括second law的公式就是【孤立系统熵增】。用公式表达就是$d\underline{S}>=0$
但是,我们生活中哪里有那么多孤立系统,那没办法,对于open system,只好把inflow和outflow带来的熵变、还有所研究的系统以外的整个宇宙的熵变也考虑进去,这样我们才能算出来系统的熵变。
关于system本身的熵变,可以假设system进行的是reversible(in this case, quasi-static)的过程,这样 就可以用W=PV计算功,再假设ideal gas,U也可以算出来,就可以算出Q,就可以算出S。
这个时候就要考虑到系统以外的整个宇宙——也就是所谓的环境,对于系统来说也就是reservoir——的熵变。直接算是不可能的,因为公式里的$\delta Q$ 得要用 $d\underline{U}$ 算吧,$d\underline{U}=NC_VdT$,对那么大的环境(宇宙)来说,$N\rightarrow \infty, dT\rightarrow 0$,没有办法直接算。
但是系统算 $Q$ 是我们假设reversible了,但是环境我们怎么知道是不是reversible呢。于是这里在note里定义了环境是mechanical reversible,这样就可以保证系统的 $Q$ 可以代进去算了。
至于inflow和outflow,就分别算$S{in}n{in}$, $S{out}n{out}$就好了(题目会给)(装死.jpg)
- 可以完全转换的能量,如机械能、电能等。理论上可以百分之百地转换成其他形式地能量。这种能量的“量”和“质”完全统一,它的转换能力不受约束。
- 可部分转换的能量,如热量、内能等,这种能量的“量”和“质”不完全统一,它的转换能力受热力学第二定律约束。
- 不能转换的能量,如环境内能,这种能量只有“量”没有“质”。
卡诺热机是个可逆热机,是把内能转化成机械能等其他能量的。气体膨胀的PV公式是不能用的(为什么),没办法直接算,所以我们要用First Law算。但是我们没办法知道Q有多少,但是这个时候我们有Second Law, 我们可以得出一个Steady state, Reversible的系统有$\frac{\dot{Q}{rev}}{T}+(S{in}-S{out})\dot{n}=0$ ,这样我们知道了$S{in}$和$S_{out}$就可以算$Q$了。这样代回First Law我们就可以算卡诺热机的功了。
解释这个式子,就是inflow其实有点能量,但是outflow有更多㶲,过程可逆(没有能量耗散),所以这个差值乘 $\dot{n}$ 就是卡诺热机的有用功。也就是所谓的ideal shaft work。
同时,我们把个表达式定义为㶲 $X$ ,在【数值上】等于$H-TS$。
Second efficiency
Non ideal gases
勒让德变换——where do H, A, G, F come from
反过来说,无需外界做功驱动的热力学过程一定有dF<=0; 无需外界做非体积功驱动的热力学过程,一定有dG<=0。
In the first half semester we have already discussed about purity(mainly gases) and mostly about intensive properties. Then we turn to liquid, and mixtures and how their properties change if we change their P, T, V etc.
First thing to talk about is the deviation of liquid from ideal gas. We still hope to use ideal gas law (it is so convenient), therefore:
(1) we introduce $\beta$ and $\kappa$ mainly to discuss the incompressibility of liquid.
(2) since we usually regard liquid can not be compressed arbitrarily, we realize that the molar volume cannot be determined through ideal gas law. Empirical formula help us measure molar volume for liquid.
(We seldom discuss solid here)Since we already have two phases, we now discuss Phase Behavior. We want to determine the properties(P,T,V) of each phase
(1)First of all Gibbs’ Phase Rule 𝐹 = 2 + 𝑛 − 𝜋 − 𝑟 tell us how many intensive properties we need to determine multiple phases(and even multiple components)
(2)We need to know the T or V or P where the two phases interchange. That gives us $P^{sat}$ (saturated)vapor pressure (can be determined through empirical formula called Antoine Equation), $T^{sat}$, or so-called boiling point.
(3) We have known the boundary, then when the substance goes across the boundary of phases, it need to absorb/exert heat, which is called latent heat. It can be determined through Clapeyron equation and its empirical correlation.
(4) We learn from Chemistry before that everything process is actually incomplete. Somehow equilibrium exists. It is so for chemical reaction and same for phases interchange. Equilibrium means that even S does not change. By expressing $d\underline{S}=0$, we get $(\frac{\underline{G}^L}{T^L}-\frac{\underline{G}^V}{T^V})dN^L=0$
(还有一个就是我们之前定义的三个equilibrium在这里终于派上用场!其实我们想要的就是N平衡也就是diffusional equilibrium)
By the way we learn to read those complicated thermodynamics diagram. Mainly, P-T and P-V diagrams.
For mixture, we (1) define $x_i, y_i$ for liquid and gas components respectively, and (2)develop another idealized model called ideal gas mixture. (3)Since the properties are not same each part of the mixture, we finally need to turn to extensive properties. We compare the fundamental equations we derive for extensive properties and those for intensive ones, we found that they are different by $(U+PV-TS)dN$. We call molar $U+PV-TS$ by Chemical potential(we will explain what does it physically mean later) Now we can express extensive properties with chemical potential, which is more convenient.
Then, how to find chemical potential for different states.
We know that we can express it in U, G, A etc, holding different variable constant. In real situation, it is easiest for us to hold T and P constant (so we choose G), correspondingly, we can express chemical potential of ideal gas as $ \mu^{ig}{i} = G{i}^{ig} + RTln(y_i) $ and similar form for ideal solution.
For gases, we have residual properties to compensate the difference from ideal gas. Similarly, for liquid, we have excess properties to compensate the difference from ideal solution.
Finally, we are able to determine the properties of components of mixtures.
Before ending, we will discuss about the physical meaning of chemical potential. In lecture notes, it write like this
• It is related to (but not exactly) the “concentration” of a substance. Matter moves from region of high chemical potential to low chemical potential.
• At diffusional equilibrium, the chemical potential is exactly balanced.
• Note the parallelism
(𝑇 : thermal equilibrium : heat)
(𝑃 : mechanical equilibrium : work)
(𝜇 : diffusional equilibrium : flow of matter).
Similar to voltage (or better understanding by Chinese terminology ‘electrical pressure’), current flow from high voltage to low voltage. Same as chemical potential. matter flows from high chemical potential to low chemical potential. Remind the change can be both chemical and physical (fundamentally, not much difference from the aspect of energy changes, but people like to differentiate them)
First of all, fugacity is a surrogate function for the chemical potential because the drawbacks of chemical potential as followings:
• It is negatively infinite when pressure approaches zero (i.e. at ideal gas limit).
• It is negatively infinite when the mole fraction approaches zero (i.e. at the infinite dilution limit).
• It is on an arbitrary scale like internal energy, and only the difference in chemical potential (not the absolute value) is meaningful.
We seek for more practical appliance of what we have defined before, unfortunately, chemical potential is hard to be measured directly, but it is so important to obtain its value for calculating. Therefore, engineers define another property called fugacity to replace it. (1) Fugacity is attributed with the unit of pressure, make it fairly easy to be measured. (2) Fugacity is defined as the deviation of chemical potential (RT and exponential can be simply treated as conversion of unit) from $\mu{ref}$ , where $\mu{ref}=\mu^{ig}_i(T,P=1bar,y_i=1)=G^{ig}_i(T,P=1bar,y_i=1)$ Again, we get back to G, we can be measured with the help of properties relation. Then we only need to measure fugacity to everything we want.
The measurement of fugacity is divided to many cases. (1) For ideal gas, it simply equals to pressure at the same state
(2) for non-ideal gas, a revise parameter or fugacity coefficient $\phi$ is multiplied to pressure
(3) For liquid, f is equal to vapor pressure at this temperature.
(4) For ideal mixtures, just multiplied by component. (remark: there is an idea called ‘gaseous ideal solutions’)
(5) For gases in non ideal mixtures, expression is more or less the same, while for liquids $\hat{f_i}=a_if_i$ , where $a_i$ is the activity of i. It can also be expressed in $a_i = x_i\gamma_i$ , where $\gamma_i$ the activity coefficient of 𝑖.
Eventually, our approach to get the macroscopic properties of mixtures work, now we are going to analyze through, diagram. We look into P-x-y diagram and T-x-y diagram.
In real life, sometimes we cannot determine component of mixture directly. Raoult’s Law, which illustrate the relationship of $y_i, x_i, P, P^{sat}$ (where pressure are easily obtained)give a convenient way to obtain component of Binary mixture. Basically, we have the Raoult’s Law for two of the components. Two unknown variables and two equations. We can easily solve for unknowns. Remark that Raoult’s Law has a bunch of restrictions so take care when applying.
If we have more than two component, we can conduct what is called Flash Calculation, in which process we introduced variable $ℒ, 𝒱$ , and $z_i=ℒx_i+𝒱y_i$ . I personally regards it as mathematical tricks. So I will skips the formula here.
We mentioned the strict restrictions for Raoult’s Law. For air and many other gases they actually violates the law. Therefore we introduce Henry’s Law, which is in similar form to Raoult’s Law, but $P^{sat}$ replaced by $ℋ_i$, Henry’s Constants, which we could find through literature.
Realizing the strict condition of Raoult’s Law, we modified it for liquid a bit with $\gamma_i$.
By the way for Azeotropes we have $x_i=y_i$
Chemical reaction and equilibrium
Finally, we chemical engineers build up the bridge between mechanical engineering and chemistry. We are to analyze how energy affect reaction. Actually this part should be the focus of another course called “reaction engineering” and now we are pathing our way to it.
First, combining stoichiometry (actually, mass balance) and 1st law (energy balance) and require $d\underline{S}=0$, we realize that Gibbs Free Energy and chemical potential imply the direction of reaction. (we may have already known this in high school, but we only learned about the conclusion but don’t know why then). Then we define equilibrium constant K, which can be obtained by standard Gibbs free energy of reaction $\Delta_rG^0$, which can be determined through Gibbs free energy of formation and combustion
Le Châtelier’s Principle(very simple so simply skip it this topic)