IP and DNS
IP = Internet Protocol
iPv4: xxx4 (numbers)
iPv6: xxxx6 (numbers and char)
DNS = Domain Name System
Hackers do DNS Spoofing user ask DNS about the IP of a website (e.g. http://google.com)
then user turn to Internet Service Provider(ISP) to get the content
How are data transmitted perfectly?
- data are divided in to Packets
- Packets are transimitted in the CHEAPEST way through Routers and reassembled at destination
- TCP(Transmission Control Prortocal) is to ensure the integrity of the data.
How people browse a webpage?
- PC uses URL(Uniform Resourse Locator) to connect the server sends request to server in HTTP(HyperText Transmission Protocol)
- Server sends back the HTML(HyperText Markup Language) which contains the context of the webpage
- PC requests additional data(images,videos etc) that included in HTML
- Cookies are used to remember user information
- SSL(Secure Socket Layer) and TSL(Transport Layer Security) are used to protect the transmission, or HTTPS(S for security).
- Servers need digital certificate to establish secured connection.
Public Key for Encryption
and Private Key for Decryption
Hackers’ methods:
1 Virus
2 DDOS(Distributed Denial-of-Service) Useless info makes server go haywire
3 Phishing(Sounds like Fishing) scam