This Is How You Lose the Time War


和很多人一样,我也是因为bigolas dickolas wolfwood的这条推特开始读这本书的,这在传播学算是一个有趣的案例——网络上许多人“发疯”,但是不是每一个发疯的都能达到这样的效果,还是作品本身质量过硬,名副其实。不过不是我要讨论的重点。




推一首适合这本书的歌:Anthony Lazaro & Sarah Kang 的Time Traveling,封面刚好也是一红一蓝。




It is a trap. Poison would be crude, but she smells none.


I’ll be long gone by the time the wind turns right. Made you look, though, didn’t I?


Mrs. Leavitt’s Guide to Etiquette and Correspondence


Let me also speak plain, before this tree runs out of years, before the fine fellows under your command make siege weapons of my words: What do you want from this, Red? What are you doing here?
Tell me something true, or tell me nothing at all


And I felt lonely. I missed those voices. I missed the minds behind them. I wanted to be seen. That need dug into the heart of me. It felt good. I’m not certain how to compare this to something you would know, but, imagine a person melded to a Thing, an artificial god the size of mountains, built for making war in the far corners of the cosmos. Imagine that great weight of metal all around her, pressing her down, giving her strength, its hoses melding with her flesh. Imagine she shears the hoses off, steps out: frail, sapped, weak, free.


As the prophet says: Everybody’s building them big ships and boats.


Don’t shorten your letters.


I have observed friendship as one observes high holy days: breathtakingly short, whirlwinds of intimate endeavour, frenzied carousing, the sharing of food, of wine, of honey. Compressed, always, and gone as soon as they come. It is often my duty to fall in love convincingly, and certainly I’ve received no complaints. But that is work, and there are better things of which to write.


It is difficult—it is very difficult, to befriend where you wish to consume, to find those who, when they ask Do I have you still, when they end a letter with Yours, mean it in any substantive way.


So I go. I travel farther and faster and harder than most, and I read, and I write, and I love cities. To be alone in a crowd, apart and belonging, to have distance between what I see and what I am.


Blue carries nothing with her between strands except knowledge, purpose, tactics, and Red’s letters. Memory is tipped and decanted into Garden, life to life to life, always deepening, thickening, growing new roots and efficiencies—but Red’s letters she keeps in her own body, curled beneath her tongue like coins, printed in her fingers’ tips, between the lines of her palms. She presses them against her teeth before kissing her marks, reads them over when she shifts her grip on motorcycle handles, dusts soldiers’ chins with them in bar fights and barracks games.



I could not have beaten the beast alone. You’re more ferocious than I am.

horrible at flirting lol  

Anyway. Keep this. It’s yours. It won’t burn when you read the signature, it won’t decay faster than any letter one woman in your beloved Strand 6 C19 would write to another. The paper’s from Wuhan, Song dynasty, handmade: Leave it in a damp place and it will rot; mix it in water and you’ll have a pulp. Destroy it on your own, in your own way, if you want. I won’t mind. We all have our observers. And this letter is a knife at my neck, if cutting’s what you want.


I try not to think of you the same way twice. Thinking builds patterns in the brain, and those patterns can be read by one sufficiently determined


If you have some grand plan, if the death your masters envisioned for my younger self was too quick and you’d rather see me disassembled for my parts, all you need do now is drop this letter where some other agent of my faction might find it. I could live with that. (Well, not for long, and painfully, but you take my meaning.)
So in this letter I am yours. Not Garden’s, not your mission’s, but yours, alone.

I am yours in other ways as well: yours as I watch the world for your signs, apophenic as a haruspex; yours as I debate methods, motives, chances of delivery; yours as I review your words by their sequence, their sound, smell, taste, taking care no one memory of them becomes too worn. Yours. Still, I suspect you will appreciate the token


Words are abstraction, break off from the green; words are patterns in the way fences and trenches are.

Words hurt. I can hide in words so long as I scatter them through my body; to read your letters is to gather flowers from within myself, pluck a blossom here, a fern there, arrange and rearrange them in ways to suit a sunny room.


Letters are structures, not events. Yours give me a place to live inside.

My memories of you spread through millennia, and each highlights you in motion.

You are yourself, and so remain, as I remain


I miss you in the field. I miss defeat. I miss the chase, the fury. I miss victories well earned. Your fellows have their intrigues and their passions, and now and again a clever play, but there’s none so intricate, so careful, so assured. You’ve whetted me like a stone. I feel almost invincible in our battles’ wake: a kind of Achilles, fleet footed and light of touch. Only in this nonexistent place our letters weave do I feel weak.

How I love to have no armor here.

You wish you could hold me at knifepoint again. You do, still, in a way. So long as I bear these last three seeds in a hollow behind my eye, you are a blade against my back. I love the danger of it

I cannot endanger us, endanger you, any further. But I am the songbird running out of air, and I must breathe.
I dream.


边界是危险的,即使我们有合二为一的渴望(love the danger),我们仍然无法兀自走向边界,因为这伴随着自我摧毁和摧毁对方的风险(后者更重要)。呼吸在古典学里则是另外一个重要的暗喻——呼吸的器官“肺”不仅仅是用来吐息,也是古典学语境里用来感知世界的器官。

I wanted to say, your letter lives inside me in the most literal way possible, but didn’t, and you wrote to me of structures and events. I wanted to say, words hurt, but metaphors go between, like bridges, and words are like stone to build bridges, hewn from the earth in agony but making a new thing, a shared thing, a thing that is more than one Shift.
But I didn’t, and you spoke of wounds.

呼应了上面的words hurt.  

I veer rhapsodic; my prose purples.

almost utterly ineffable 的三个词。紧跟着她说她有过性有过友谊但是没有过这样的爱情,这是一种利维坦一般的庞然大物。如果说要在这本充斥着佳句的作品里找出最Sapphic的一句话,这句当之无愧。

I sought loneliness when I was young. You’ve seen me there: on my promontory, patient and unaware.
But when I think of you, I want to be alone together. I want to strive against and for. I want to live in contact. I want to be a context for you, and you for me.
I love you, and I love you, and I want to find out what that means together

be alone together矛盾的结合,是边界消融。


I see one solution. It’s—it should be—easy.
Let me go. And I’ll let you.

So I will let her go when time comes. 成全是她的表白。

We burrow into the braidedness of time. We are the hedge, entirely, rosebuds with thorns for petals.



Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep fighting. We’re all still here.

P.S. 提到了苏格兰作家Naomi Mitchison,这个名字一看上去还以为是个日本人。