

Mocked with death


这周课上阅读的主题是Form and Diaspora,Dictee和Interior Chinatown都非常抽象,于是想要找一些相似主题但是更容易读的书,李敏金的《柏青哥》是很完美的选择。这本书讲述了四代人,从朝鲜到日本的故事。


































































看到学校大张旗鼓宣传Margaret Atwood来学校访谈,还是和我校最出名的古典学家Emily Wilson一起,查了一下才发现是赫赫有名的《使女的故事》的作者,几十年来耕笔不辍,著作颇丰,没想到能有幸亲眼见证传奇,兴盛至哉。


当天到了才发现忘记预约门票,大礼堂里坐得满满当当,她一出来我前后左右的女生都在说so cute


答:活久点 别抽烟(老太太生于1939)











谦逊就是把自己隐藏起来,丽迪亚嬷嬷说。永远不要忘记。要是让人看到 ——要是让人看到 ——便意味着——她的声音发颤——能够被人看透。而你们,姑娘们,必须使自己成为看不透的人。她把我们称为姑娘们。

“这位游客问,你们快乐吗?”翻译说。我能想象得出,他们对我们有多么好奇:她们快乐吗 ?她们怎么可能快乐 ?我能感觉到他们亮晶晶的黑眼睛片刻不离我们,身子微微前倾,等着我们回答,女人们尤其如此,男人们也不例外:因为我们神秘莫测,不可接近,我们令他们亢奋。



“约会强奸”和“枣油菜”在英文里均为date rape,为同形异义词。


讲故事犹如写信。亲爱的你 ,我会这样称呼。只提你 ,不加名不带姓。加上一个名字,就等于把你和现实世界连在一起,便平添了莫大风险和危害:谁知道你活下来的机会能有多少。因此,我只说你 ,你 ,犹如一支古老的情歌。你 可以是不止一人。
你 可以是千万个人。
















Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

谷歌翻译出来的意思是:Do not let the bastards grind you down



到他不该说我们 ,因为就我所知,他并未被人剥夺走什么东西。


“我会处置它 的,卢克说。他用的是它 ,而不是她 ,于是我知道他的意思是杀了它 。那是杀戮之前必不可少的环节,我心想。你得先造出一个物化的它,而那原先是不存在的。你得先在头脑里想象出来,然后把它真实化。他们杀人前一定是那么干的,我心想。过去我似乎对此完全一无所知。”











这本是在回城的飞机上看完的,听着Twice的Perfect World,感觉合适极了。













记者曾追问阿特伍德书名 Testaments 有何深意?她指明了三层意思:遗言、证词、遗命,《旧约》和《新约》,坦白真相。




















Goodbye to All That

I have a whole thousand-word diary discussing what NYC is about for me. To summarize, NYC is a big theme park two-hour bus ride or one-and-a-half-hour train ride for me. Because of a certain fanfic work, it means a lot of sentiments and emotion. Broadway is best. Crazy and crowded. Difficult to live. Would definitely come back.

All I mean is that I was very young in New York, and that at some point the golden rhythm was broken, and I am not that young anymore.

—Joan Didion, “Goodbye to All That,” Slouching Towards Bethlehem

schmaltzy sentiment

I started to love that apartment so much that it grew painful to think of leaving it so soon. I had no choice but to stay and hope that I would come to love the neighborhood, too. I did

Every corner, every surface, exposed reminders of who was gone, where I’d never noticed anything before. The greatest of all cats—she, too, was gone by then, but the phantom of her jumped on the bed many mornings, as if to wake me for her phantom breakfast.

although it was strange and stunning to see how quickly what had taken me two decades to fill with things that gave me pleasure, to make a home, could be emptied, it didn’t make me sad. I was happy to be leaving, and I was ready. I was more than ready—I was late. It should have happened sooner

Afterward, I often wondered if I’d told myself the truth.

More than anything, New York was seeing people, so many different people, so many beautiful shades of brown, so many different voices,


If you lived in New York long enough, you got obsessed with space: how to find more of it magically hidden within the limited space you had.

What feels like home to you in this infinite city?

I just couldn’t really afford to, or even the loneliness of having too many acquaintances and not enough friends. It was the loneliness of wanting to write and not writing. I tried. I tried to wake up early or stay up late. But it all felt perfunctory and dead on the page. It mainly just made me tired.

In New York, most of the people I knew seemed to define themselves not by what they made but by what they consumed:

What did they say about a New York minute? Everything could change. Here, the creative process wasn’t insular and rarefied. It was expedient and pragmatic, directed toward an immediate concrete end. Writing got made. Like a widget. It wasn’t conjured, and it certainly wasn’t perfected.

Now I look back and recognize the truths that weren’t about loneliness at all but rose from the sudden joy of getting a sentence right or nailing a moment of dialogue

New York had taught me many times, in many ways, that life never plays out in exactly the ways we imagine. But what we get—in fragments, distortions, faint approximations—has its own beauty. New York kept trying to teach me that a life can look far more coherent from the outside than it actually feels from within—the most obvious truth in the world, I guess, but who ever really grasps it

Leaving gets harder as you age. You don’t leave out of anger or from coming to your senses but because your love is not as strong as your reasons for going.

“Change is scary, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”

In these emptier days, I have come to know that my sadness is not a problem to be solved. It is simply my humanity. Sometimes pain is the call of a wound that needs tending, and sometimes it is the sting of its healing. And sometimes you have to break your own heart to be true, and you have to go home to do it.

Like a relationship you know is over, and still you go on kissing each other on the cheek and silently grinning through your teeth because how can it possibly be over, a love as big as this

I learned how to cope when a lover commits suicide. New York City during my college years was like being enrolled in Heartbreak, Sex, and Death 101.

I was unlearning things, too. Unlearning how to drive, unlearning what was acceptable and unacceptable behavior

I was getting tired and I was only twenty-three. The sun was too harsh, yet I became even paler each year. I grew uncomfortable looking people in the eye

I was terrified that I would come to hate New York.

I didn’t feel safe around myself in New York. I never knew what I was going to do.

I used to think that every eventful thing that happened in my life would feel as good as moving to New York City did, that my life would be like moving to New York, over and over and over again. I know now that as with falling in love, you’re lucky if it happens to you even once.

It is strange to think you can have a spiritual home even before you have ever been there. But some places are so iconic—the Taj Mahal, Paris, the moon—it is possible to know them from afar. That was New York for me

A Wall Street salary allowed me one of those 1970s cookie-cutter high-rises, across the street from the Merkin Concert Hall, the name I secretly smiled at every day (look up “merkin” if you haven’t read Valley of the Dolls). The apartment was a studio sloppily bisected by a fake wall to make it into a one-bedroom. It made the space smaller, but I liked having another room to go into.

Actually, as with the addict who still dreams of the lingering taste of the forbidden, that upswelling feeling—of happiness, of unobserved observation, of the strangest kind of normalcy—came back with a rush, even staying in the tourist trap that is Times Square. Yes, I had quit New York, but it hadn’t quit me






The city isn’t theirs, and they aren’t its people—they’re interlopers, long-form tourists, around long enough to be able to tell their children stories about when they lived in New York, lo those many years ago



the way New York City looked from the middle of the country, like some haughty socialite obsessed with her own reflection.

I spend a little time every day looking at real estate listings on the internet, telling myself, It would only be for a little while. I wouldn’t stay away for the long run. How could I? Could I?

That’s the problem with being born in New York… You’ve got no New York to run away to

as Didion writes, “it is often said that New York is a city for only the very rich and the very poor,” it could also be said that “New York is also, at least for those of us who came from somewhere else, a city only for the very young.”

comfortable at first, familiar, but then you remember why it didn’t work out and all the things that drove you crazy. Why

If you lose your facility with New York, like a language once deciphered, it covers itself over again, becomes incomprehensible through disuse. 

New York never fundamentally changes; you do. The city is always here if you need it—one big giant laboratory, aflame with bright lights and tests and trials.

The Culture Map

Interesting and important for a new-comer of a MNC.


In a French setting, positive feedback is often given implicitly, while negative feedback is given more directly. In the United States, it’s just the opposite. American managers usually give positive feedback directly while trying to couch negative messages in positive, encouraging language

Summry: The eight scales

• Communicating: low-context vs. high-context

• Evaluating: direct negative feedback vs. indirect negative feedback

• Persuading: principles-first vs. applications-first

• Leading: egalitarian vs. hierarchical

• Deciding: consensual vs. top-down

• Trusting: task-based vs. relationship-based

• Disagreeing: confrontational vs. avoids confrontation

• Scheduling: linear-time vs. flexible-time

Notice that the scales are based on cultural relativity

i.e. relationship-based in comparison to your own culture

Encountering foreign culture:

All of us have a deep protective instinct for the culture we consider our own, and, though we may criticize it bitterly ourselves, we may become easily incensed if someone from outside the culture dares to do so


1. Communicating

By contrast, in many Asian cultures, including India, China, Japan, and Indonesia, messages are often conveyed implicitly, requiring the listener to read between the lines. Good communication is subtle, layered, and may depend on copious subtext, with responsibility for transmission of the message shared between the one sending the message and the one receiving it

The United States is the lowest-context culture in the world, followed by Canada and Australia, the Netherlands and Germany, and the United Kingdom.

In a high-context culture like Iran, it’s not necessary—indeed, it’s often inappropriate—to spell out certain messages too explicitly.

English, then, is a lower-context language than the Romance languages descended from Latin



On the left, you see the Anglo-Saxon cluster, followed by the Romance language cluster, and finally, furthest to the right, is a cluster of countries speaking Asian languages.

the British speak more between the lines than Americans do, a tendency particularly apparent with British high-context humor.

“It is important not to form opinions too quickly,” Díaz suggests, “to listen more, speak less, and then clarify when you are not sure if you understood.

• One person would recap the key points orally, with the task rotating from one team member to another.

• Each person would summarize orally what he would do next.

• One person would send out a written recap, again on a rotating basis.

Organizational charts (showing on paper who works for whom)

• Titles (describing exactly who is at what level)

• Written objectives (explaining who is responsible for accomplishing what)

• Performance appraisals (stating in writing how each person is doing

2. Evaluating


Getting negative feedback right can motivate your employees and strengthen your reputation as a fair and professional colleague.

Evaluating Performance and Providing Negative Feedback


More direct cultures tend to use what linguists call upgraders, words preceding or following negative feedback that make it feel stronger, such as absolutely, totally, or strongly: “This is absolutely inappropriate,” or “This is totally unprofessional.”

more indirect cultures use more downgraders, words that soften the criticism, such as kind of, sort of, a little, a bit, maybe, and slightly. Another type of downgrader is a deliberate understatement,

“Anglo-Dutch Translation Guide”


One rule for working with cultures that are more direct than yours on the Evaluating scale: Don’t try to do it like them.

follow a few simple strategies to work more effectively with people from quadrant C (that is, Americans, British, and Canadians).

First, when providing an evaluation, be explicit and low-context with both positive and negative feedback. But don’t launch into the negatives until you have also explicitly stated something that you appreciate about the person or the situation

Second, try, over time, to be balanced in the amount of positive and negative feedback you give. For example, if you notice something positive your colleague has done on Monday, say it there and then with explicit, open appreciation. Then, on Tuesday, when you need to severely criticize the same colleague’s disappointing proposal before it is sent to the client, your comments will be more likely to be heard and considered rather than rejected out of hand.

Third, frame your behavior in cultural terms. Talk about the cultural differences that explain your communication style. If possible, show appreciation for the other culture while laughing humbly at your own. Someone in Dulac’s position might say, “In the U.S., you are so good at openly appreciating one another. In France, we aren’t in the habit of voicing positive feedback. We might think it, but we don’t say it!”

quadrant D as shown on page 72, negative feedback is generally soft, subtle, and implicit

But blurriness can be highly effective in many Asian cultures if it is used skillfully and appropriately, as I discovered early in my career.

strategies for blurring the message

The first strategy: Give the feedback slowly, over a period of time, so that it gradually sinks in

second strategy: Use food and drink to blur an unpleasant message

we are relaxed, this is a good time to give feedback. We don’t make reference to it in the office the next day or the next week, but the feedback has been passed and the receiver is now able to take action without humiliation or breaking the harmony between the two parties

Aini’s third and final piece of strategy baffled me at first. She urged me: Say the good and leave out the bad

3. Persuasion

Principles-first reasoning (sometimes referred to as deductive reasoning) derives conclusions or facts from general principles or concepts [Anglo-Saxon]


applications-first reasoning (sometimes called inductive reasoning), general conclusions are reached based on a pattern of factual observations from the real world [Latin Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal), the Germanic countries (Germany, Austria), and Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina) tend to emphasize this method of teaching.]


Different cultures have different systems for learning in part because of the philosophers who influenced the approach to intellectual life in general and science in particular.

The British and American systems are based on common law, in which a judgment in one case sets a precedent for future cases—a clear example of applications-first thinking.

By contrast, most European Union states use the civil law system that originated in Roman law and the Napoleonic Code, in which a general statute or principle is applied on a case-by-case basis, mirroring the principles-first approach. Interestingly, Scandinavia uses a hybrid legal system that does not fall neatly into either camp. Note the middle position of the Nordic countries on the Persuading scale.

If the performance of your global team is suffering because its members are operating at different ends of the Persuading scale, consider the following strategies:

• Build team awareness by explaining the scale. Have everybody read this chapter and discuss it during a team meeting.

• A cultural bridge can help a lot. If you have team members who are bicultural or have significant experience living in different cultures, ask them to take responsibility for helping other team members.

While the Americans mentioned larger, faster-moving, brightly colored objects in the foreground (such as the big fish visible in the illustration), the Japanese spoke more about what was going on in the background (for example, the plants or the small frog to the bottom left). In addition, the Japanese spoke twice as often as the Americans about the interdependencies between the objects up front and the objects in the background. As one Japanese woman explained, “I naturally look at all the items behind and around the large fish to determine what kind of fish they are.”

Chinese people think from macro to micro, whereas Western people think from micro to macro.

Sometimes, it is simply better to leave Rome to the Romans.

4. Leading

Countries that fell under the influence of the Roman Empire (including Spain, Italy, and, to a lesser degree, France) tend to be more hierarchical than the rest of Western Europe

Vikings were surprisingly egalitarian. The countries most influenced by the Vikings consistently rank as some of the most egalitarian and consensus-oriented cultures in the world today.

Countries with Protestant cultures tend to fall further to the egalitarian side of the scale than those with a more Catholic tradition.



hierarchical society:

• Communicate with the person at your level. If you are the boss, go through the boss with equivalent status, or get explicit permission to hop from one level to another.

• If you do e-mail someone at a lower hierarchical level than your own, copy the boss.

• If you need to approach your boss’s boss or your subordinate’s subordinate, get permission from the person at the level in between first.

• When e-mailing, address the recipient by the last name unless they have indicated otherwise—for example, by signing their e-mail to you with their first name only.

an egalitarian society:

• Go directly to the source. No need to bother the boss.

• Think twice before copying the boss. Doing so could suggest to the recipient that you don’t trust them or are trying to get them in trouble.

• Skipping hierarchical levels probably won’t be a problem.


“How can I make good decisions if I don’t know what my group really thinks about an issue?”

Ask your team to meet without you in order to brainstorm as a group—and then to report the group’s ideas back to you. Removing “the boss” from the meeting removes their need to defer, allowing people to feel more comfortable sharing ideas.

• When you call a meeting, give clear instructions a few days beforehand about how you would like the meeting to work and what questions you plan to ask. Tell your team members explicitly that you will call on them for their input. In this way, they can show you respect by preparing and sharing their ideas. It also gives the team members time to organize their thoughts carefully and to check with one another before the meeting.

• If you are the boss, remember that your role is to chair the meeting. Don’t expect people to jump in randomly without an invitation. Instead, invite people to speak up. Even if team members have prepared well and are ready to share their ideas, they may not volunteer unless you call on them individually. When you do so, you may be surprised to see how much they have to contribute.

5. Deciding


In a consensual culture, the decision making may take quite a long time, since everyone is consulted. But once the decision has been made, the implementation is quite rapid, since everyone has completely bought in and the decision is fixed and inflexible—a decision with a capital D, we might say. Thus, the moment of making the decision is taken quite seriously as the pivotal point in the process.


By contrast, in a top-down culture, the decision-making responsibility is invested in an individual. In this kind of culture, decisions tend to be made quickly, early in the process, by one person (likely the boss). But each decision is also flexible—a decision with a lowercase d



In Japan, decisions tend to be made by group consensus rather than by the individual

(Ringi) Literally meaning “root-binding,” nemawashi is a gardening term that refers to a process of preparing the roots of a plant or tree for transplanting, which protects them from damage. Similarly, nemawashi protects a Japanese organization from damage caused by disagreement or lack of commitment and follow-through.

if I need to influence people at our Tokyo headquarters, I need to get involved very early in the discussions and do my ‘root binding’ well before the actual meeting. The more consensual decision-making process

Expect the decision-making process to take longer and to involve more meetings and correspondence.

• Do your best to demonstrate patience and commitment throughout the process . . . even when diverging opinions lead to seemingly interminable discussions and indecision.

• Check in with your counterparts regularly to show your commitment and be available to answer questions.

• Cultivate informal contacts within the team to help you monitor where the group is in the decision-making process. Otherwise, you may find that a consensus is forming without your awareness or participation.

• Resist the temptation to push for a quick decision. Instead, focus on the quality and completeness of the information gathered and the soundness of the reasoning process. Remember, once a decision is made, it will be difficult to try to change it.

more top-down approach to decision making, try using these techniques:

• Expect decisions to be made by the boss with less discussion and less soliciting of opinions than you are accustomed to. The decision may be made before, during, or after a meeting, depending on the organizational culture and the individual involved.

• Be ready to follow a decision even if your input was not solicited or was overruled. It’s possible for a project to produce success even if the initial plan was not the best one that could have been devised.

• When you are in charge, solicit input and listen carefully to differing viewpoints, but strive to make decisions quickly. Otherwise you may find you are viewed as an indecisive or ineffective leader.

• When the group is divided about how to move forward and no obvious leader is present, suggest a vote. All members are expected to follow the decision supported by the majority, even if they disagree.

• Remain flexible throughout the process. Decisions are rarely set in stone; most can later be adjusted, revisited, or discussed again if necessary.

6. Trusting

Cognitive trust is based on the confidence you feel in another person’s accomplishments, skills, and reliability. This is trust that comes from the head. It is often built through business interactions:

Affective trust, on the other hand, arises from feelings of emotional closeness, empathy, or friendship. This type of trust comes from the heart. We laugh together, relax together, and see each other at a personal level, so that I feel affection or empathy for you and sense that you feel the same for me. Result: I trust you. Throughout the world, friendships and personal relationships are built on affective trust.

Americans, in business, draw a sharp dividing line between cognitive trust and affective trust

Chinese managers, on the other hand, connect the two forms of trust. As Chua puts it, “Among Chinese executives, there is a stronger interplay between affective and cognitive trust. Unlike Americans, Chinese managers are quite likely to develop personal ties and affective bonds when there is also a business or financial tie.”

In peach cultures like the United States or Brazil, to name a couple, people tend to be friendly (“soft”) with others they have just met. They smile frequently at strangers, move quickly to first-name usage, share information about themselves, and ask personal questions of those they hardly know. But after a little friendly interaction with a peach person, you may suddenly get to the hard shell of the pit where the peach protects his real self. In these cultures, friendliness does not equal friendship.

In coconut cultures such as these, people are more closed (like the tough shell of a coconut) with those they don’t have friendships with. They rarely smile at strangers, ask casual acquaintances personal questions, or offer personal information to those they don’t know intimately. It takes a while to get through the initial hard shell, but as you do, people will become gradually warmer and friendlier. While relationships are built up slowly, they tend to last longer

relationship with him (direct or indirect) provides a safety net that replaces the role of the legal system in more developed countries.

investing time in establishing trust will often save time (and many other resources) in the long run.


The first strategy is easy. If you are from a task-based society and are hosting people from a more relationship-based society, put more time and effort into organizing meals to be shared. During these meals, spend time getting to know your collaborators personally rather than discussing business

“The more you are willing to remove social barriers in the evening, the more they will see you as trustworthy.”

if you need to contact someone you don’t know, is to use what in Arabic is called wasta, which translates loosely to mean something like “connections that create preference,” “relationships that give you influence,” or “who you know.”

7. Disagreeing Productively

Relax, put your feet up, and start the call with the idea that you might spend several long minutes just catching up before the business talk starts.


A. In a good meeting, a decision is made.

B. In a good meeting, various viewpoints are discussed and debated.

C. In a good meeting, a formal stamp is put on a decision that has been made before the meeting.

The large majority of Americans responding to this question chose option A. The French, however, largely chose option B. And most Chinese and Japanese selected option C. In many Asian cultures, the default purpose of a meeting is to approve a decision that has already been made in informal discussions. Therefore, the most appropriate time to express your disagreement is before the meeting to an individual rather than during the meeting in front of the group.

To engage in conflict, one does not need to bring a knife that cuts, but a needle that sews

8. Scheduling

monochronic (M-time) cultures and polychronic (P-time) cultures. M-time cultures view time as tangible and concrete: “We speak of time as being saved, spent, wasted, lost, made up, crawling, killing and running out. These metaphors must be taken seriously. M-time scheduling is used as a classification system that orders life. These rules apply to everything except death.”1

By contrast, P-time cultures take a flexible approach to time, involvement of people, and completion of transactions: “Appointments are not taken seriously and, as a consequence, are frequently broken as it is more likely to be considered a point rather than a ribbon in the road
